Maximilian Deinlein

Maximilian Deinlein

Institute of Educational Science
Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Diversity Education und internationale Bildungsforschung

Room: Room 1.014
Regensburger Str. 160
90478 Nürnberg

Office hours

Every week, Monday, 11:30 - 12:00, Room 1.014


Vocational training at the Fachakademie für Sozialpädagogik in Neuendettelsau, graduating as a state-recognized and certified pre-school teacher (2013).

Social Work at the Technical University of Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm with a Bachelor of Arts degree (2017) and Human Rights at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg with a Master of Arts degree (2019). Study semester abroad in Turkey/Istanbul (2017). The Master’s thesis was entitled “Private elementary schools in Nuremberg: Chances, challenges and criticism.”.

Since 2017 until today part-time educational assistant at DoKuPäd – Pädagogik rund um das Dokumentationszentrum in the field of extracurricular historical-political education. From 2020 – 2023 responsible for international youth work at Kreisjugendring Nürnberg-Stadt (advising youth associations, planning and implementing youth exchanges).

Since October 2023 research assistant at the Chair of Diversity Education and International Educational Research at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology.

His research focus is on international youth work and the acquisition of competencies by full-time, part-time professionals and volunteers in international youth work networks.

Areas of Expertise

